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Writer's pictureLuzsoraida Figueroa

When they cry out peace and safety

When the cry peace

For when they shall say peace and safety then sudden destruction comes upon them as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape. 1 Thessalonians 5:3

Mankind believes that things are getting better . That’s a basic premise we find underlying the worldviews of many people. God says the opposite. The Bible tells us that things will become increasingly worse. That’s God’s vote. A majority of world governments are constantly seeking peace among nations, with the hope that an era of peace is ahead.A famous 1960s song declared “ this is the drawing of the age of Aquarius

Harmony and understand sympathy and trust abounding , no more falsehoods or derision “.poeple think that the future world will improve as humans evolve in our global village. This is the common belief that drives our geopolitical decisions but we’d should not believe it for one minute.

This what jesus tells us :

And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. Matthew 24:6-7 That’s God’s promise. Man expects to win the battle against disease, famine, and hardship. We have people in the health sciences who are committed to mastering these things, but God says there will be famines and diseases and earthquakes from now until the time that things get more intense. We’ve been seeing these general troubles for centuries and we will continue to see them coming. Some people may be very uncomfortable with that and they should be.

The book of revelation tells us ahead of time the outline of end times. It is the only book in the Bible that promises a special blessing to those who read it. The other books of the Bible are as important as well but only one book has the audacity to say “read me “I’m special.

The outline of revelation is found in chapter 1, although many people miss it. Jesus instructed john saying :

Write the things which that you have seen and the things which are and the things which shall be hereafter revelation 1:19

In this verse jesus gives three divisions to the book of revelation the past and the present and the future. “ the thing. You have seen” is the vision is the vision of christ that we find in chapter 1, when John sits down to write the vision that part has become past tense. While he’s writing revelation the division of “ the things the things which are” involves the goings on in the seven churches, as described in chapter 2. ,and 3 . These two chapters relay the letter that jesus has dictated to the church of Asia. He describes the things they are doing well and describes the things he hates. And all are things we’ll find prevententantly in virtually every church across the planet. The final division , “ the things that shall be hereafter “ refers to the events that follow the time of the churches. These begann at chapter 4. And continue to the end of the book .

Chapter 4-19 contain a series of heavy events — meta tauta

‘ after these things .” A certain society has called itself the meta Tauta society, because their focus is in the study of biblical prophecy. This greek term is like a marker, if you will, a term that indicates that the rest of history begins at this point.

We in the church are interested in the things that take place μετὰ ταῦτα, but we will not be watching them from earth. The issues that concern us in the church are found in chapters 2-3 of revelation. If we are raptured as we believe we will be, we won’t have to worry about the events after chapter 3. We find the saints in heaven in chapter 4 and 5. Through john , jesus gave us the advantage of time- wrap,, laying out world history ahead of time. When days actually arrive, however, we’ll be transported to his Thorne room, where we’ll be able to watch from the stands as the final acts unfold.

Chapter6 through 19 reveal the hearts of what people think of when the consider the book of revelation. This series of events involves the seven seal, seven trumpets, and seven bowls or— vials. In the king James. This is the unveiling of. Jesus christ and His return to the earth to prune on the throne of david as king.

The judgements on the earth begin in chapter 6 of revelation as the horsemen ride in on their steeds of different colors, and our focus in these chapters is the first of these horsemen , the rider on the white horse.

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We notice right away the common theme of the number seven in the book of revelation. We find the scroll with seven seals in chapter 6, and the seven trumpets beginning in chapter 8. Yet the judgments proceed in an. Interesting pattern. The first six seals are opened in chapter 6, but in chapter 7 we find a parenthesis - a temporary change in subject. It’s like a pause a gap for breath , before the final seal is opened in chapter 8. In between the sixth and seven the seals, we find that God takes. Time to have 144,000 Israelites sealed for thier protection. We meet the multitude of saints brought to a place of safety and rest before the throne of God. Then chapter 8 starts and the final seal is opened.

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