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Writer's pictureLuzsoraida Figueroa



Occult Practices

Fortune Telling, Ouija Board, Cards, Good Luck Charms, Seances, Edgar Cayce, Jeanne Dixon, Mind Control, Witchcraft, Four-leaf Clover, Rabbit Foot, Wishbone, ESP, Transcendental Meditation, Yoga, Hypnosis, Incense, Pendulum, Palm Reading, Automatic Handwriting, Pierced Ears, Horoscopes, Signs of the Zodiac, Voodoo, Magic, Levitation, Water Witching, Tea Leaf Reading, Secret Organizations and Lodges, Eight Ball, Smoking and Chewing, Tobacco, Dipping Snuff, Drinking Alcoholic Beverages, Kabala, Handwriting Analysis, Strychnine, Arsenic, Gene / Chromosome Damage, Crystal Ball, Tarot Cards, Psychic Readings, Sorcery, Drug / Pharmakia, LSD, Rubik's Cube, Clairvoyance, Telepathy, Parapsychology, Enchantments, Potions, Ankh, Peace Sign, Star of David, Five Pointed Star, Artifacts, Tattoos, Owls and Frogs, Snakes, Self Realization, Deja-Vu, Martial Arts, Buddhism-Zen, Hinduism, Taoism, Yin and Yang, Confucianism, Acupuncture, Hare Krishna, Bingo Gambling, Playing Cards, Gambling, Reincarnation, Arthur Ford, Ruth Montgomery, Divining, Psycho cybernetics, Mind Over Matter, UFO, Trances, Dolls, Idolatry, Psychometry, Psychic Predictions, Clairaudience, Second Sight, Auras, Metaphysics, Mental Science, Visions, Superstition, Fetishes, Runes, Amulets, Talismans, Satanism, Indian Witchcraft, Sun or Moon Worship, Spiritual Healing, Italian Horn, Indian Religions, War Paint, Maize Fertility, Christian Science, Omens, Karma, Healing Mediums, Hex Signs, Jesus Rock & Roll, Poltergeists, Irish Witchcraft, Gypsy Science, Rappings, Conjuration, Haunted Houses, Fantasy, TV


and Shows Like Merlin, Walt Disney and Rosemary's Baby, Fiction, Tolkien, Incantation.

Related Demons

Pornography, Blood Transfusions, Seduction, Rebellion, Country Music, White / Black Magic, White / Black Witchcraft, Astrology, Signs of Zodiac, Self-Help Programs, Self Hypnosis, Principalities, Powers, Authorities, Kingdoms, Rulers, Strongman, Strongholds, Imaginations, High Things, Disobedience, Occult, Soul Ties, Valium, Serex, Phenobarbital, Anesthesias, Fantasy, Lust, Bankruptcy, Poorness, Lack, Loss, Need, Greed, Covetousness, Counterfeit, Disco Lights, Nimrod, Scouting, Ritualism, Symbolism, Demonology, Death and Hell, Love Potions, Lotus, Oral Sex, Confusion, Forgetfulness, Poverty, Failure, Serpents, Scorpions, Dirtiness, Orneriness, Divorce, Halloween, Ghosts, Jack-0-Lanterns, Goblins, Barrenness, Sterility, Diseases, Mind Occult, Foul and Evil Spirits

Demons Associated With Different Organizations

Education - parapsychology, Dungeons and Dragons, folklore, mythology. Entertainment - rock music, lewd or occult movies or TV. Government Agencies - (both state and federal) Federal Reserve System. Lodges - origins in witchcraft, Masons, DeMolay, Eastern Star, Jobs Daughters. Religions - Protestant, Catholic, Cults (World Council of Churches). Recreations - games with demonic influence. Travel - soul travel, astral projection. Home Life - mind control, Jezebel and Ahab. Business - witchcraft promises promotions, forecasts based on astrology readings, sales power (soul power) pyramid power. Law Enforcement - using psychics and hypnosis. Psychiatry - almost 100% using some form of witchcraft. Medicine - Hippocratic oath, sorcery, tranquilizers, pain pills.


Occultism is participation or involvement with fortune telling, magic practices, spiritism, or false religious cults and teachings. Contact with the occult may have occurred in childhood. Occult involvement can come from previous generations (Deut.

5:7-9). Check yourself out with the following lists:

Fortune Telling

Proverbs 3:5-7: Palm Reading, Crystal Ball, Cards, Tea Leaves, Handwriting Analysis, Ouija Boards, ESP, Telepathy, Kabala, Horoscope, Voodoo, Pendulums, Astrology, Fortune Telling, Star Gazing, Clairvoyance, Clairaudience. Anything that predicts your

future or advises your life (Isaiah 47:13; II Kings 1:1-4).

ESP and PK

ESP, PK (psycho kinesis), telepathy, clairvoyance, Coloradans psychic powers, second sight, hypnosis, self-hypnosis, remote influence of the sub-conscious mind of others, auras, metaphysics, mental science, self-realization, visions, trances, dreams; superstition, witchcraft; black, white, and neutral magic, charms, good luck items, fetishes, runes, amulets, talismans, mascots, medals, crux ansanta (ankh), birth signs, spells, incantations, potions, sorcery, curses, materialization or apport, apparitions, ghosts, poltergeists; magic healing thru wart or burn charming, powwow, spiritualism, psychic spirit or metaphysical healing, Christian Science healing, rod or pendulum diagnosis, trance diagnosis, acupuncture, yin-yang. All books, literature, music, etc. dealing with occultism.

False Religious Cults And Teachings

But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed (Galatians 1:8). Urantia, Eckankar, Jehovah's Witnesses, Christian Science, Rosicrucians, Mormonism, Bahai, Spiritualism, Scientology, Swedenborgianism, Christodelphianism, Inner Peace Movement, Spiritual Frontiers Fellowship, Association For Research And Enlightenment, Religious Research Foundation Of America, Edgar Cayce, Jean Dixon, Arthur Ford, Ruth

Montgomery, soul travel, Eckankar, astral projection.

Anthroposophy (Waldorf Schools), Children of God (Family of Love), Freemasonry, Church Universal and Triumphant (Summit Lighthouse), Elizabeth Clare Prophet, I AM Movement, Liberal Theology, Lodges (miscellaneous bloodless religions), People's Temple, Process Church, Rastafarianism, Roman Catholicism, Tara Center, Theosophical Society, Unitarian Universalists, Unity, Way International, Wicca, Worldwide Church of God and Other Cults, The Way, Subud, Latihan, Association for Research and Development, Spiritual Frontiers Fellowship, Religious Research Foundation of America

Groups denying existence of Heaven or Hell, Catholic Church and Paganism. Religions using the Bible but denying or omitting THE DIVINITY OF CHRIST and the Atonement of His Precious Blood. Far eastern religions such as I Ching, Unification Church (Moonies), Islam, Zen (Hindu), Tao, Hinduism, Buddhism, Hari Krishna (ISKCON), Bahai; teachings such as transcendental meditation, reincarnation, karma, yoga, idols, incense.

Forbidden Practices in Bible

Enchantments, Witchcraft, Soothsaying, Magic, Sorcery, Divination, Wizardry, Necromancy, Charming, Observer of Times, Astrology, Idolatry, Sacrificed to Devils, Worship of Devils, Star Gazers, False Prophets, Rod Became a Serpent, Wise Men, Chaldeans, Curious Arts, Graven Images, Pass Thru the Fire, Dreamer, Doctrines of Devils, Unfruitful Works of Darkness, Heeding Seducing Spirits, Ate Sacrifices of the Dead, Sold Themselves to Do Evil, Forbidden practices in the Bible cover occult practices in general; other types of occult practices come from these.

Magic Practices and Spiritism

Deut. 18:9-12: Mediums and séances, communicating with the dead or spirit guides, water-witching or dowsing with forked sticks or other objects for water, oil, minerals,

underground sewer and water lines, etc.

Table Tipping, Levitation, Necromancy, Automatic Writing, Divining, Second Sight, Spirit Guides, Auras, Hypnosis, Mental Science, Water Witching, Dowsing, Superstition, ESP, Psycho kinesis, Telepathy, White Magic, Metaphysics, Trances, Runes, Self Realization, Visions, Black Magic, Medals, Witchcraft, Good Luck, Fetishes,


Incantations, Charms, Talismans, Mascots, Apport, Amulets, Birth Signs, Spells, Wart Charming, Ankh, Sorcery, Curses, Psychic Powers, Potions, Poltergeists, Acupuncture, Burn Charming, Pendulum Diagnosis, Yin-Yang, Ghosts, Trance Diagnosis, Birth Stones, Metaphysical Healing. Clairvoyance, Coloradans, Psychic Powers, Apparitions, Powwow, Spiritualism, Christian Science Healing. All books, literature, music, etc. dealing with occultism.

Occult In General

Ruler of Witchcraft, Death by Hypnosis, God's Eye, Karate, Martial Arts, Third Eye, Judo, Kung Fu, Snake, Mongoose, Cat, Cobra, Lust for Dominance, Swan, Lust for Power, Spider, Open Doors, Rappings on Wall, Foundation, Black Mass, Satan Worship, Multiplied Curses, Jezebel, Ahab, Female Dominance, Yielding Male, Evil Eye, Occult Fears, Black Arts, Luv Knot, Devil's Foot, Indian Kachina, Conjuration, Occult Symbols, Serpent Charmer, Omens, Prognostication, Pass Thru The Fire, Augur, Rebellion, Stubbornness, Parapsychology, Yoga, Hearing Noises, Psychic Portraits, Macabre, Phrenology, Numerology, Great Seal, Alchemy, Calling Evil Spirits, Baptism in Witchcraft.

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