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Writer's pictureLuzsoraida Figueroa

The spirit of haman

The celebration of Purim originated out of the decrees of Mordecai and Queen Esther (Esth. 9:29-32). It was a time when intervention arose through desperate acts of prayer and fasting led by Queen Esther to overturn the decree for the annihilation of the Jewish people inspired by Haman. Haman's evil plot was revealed, the tables were turned and he was hung on his own gallows. The events took place roughly between 483 to 471 B.C.

According to the Jewish calendar, Purim is held in the month of Adar, which usually falls in February or March each year. Moses was born in Adar. It is the month when the Jewish leader of the Maccabees defeated the Syrians, and also the month when the orders were given to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem before the reconstruction of the temple and first return of the Jewish people to Israel. Historically, the period of time known as Adar has been a time when God HAS intervened in times of crisis.

Although Purim was founded in biblical times, its observation is not commanded by God as are the holy convocations mentioned in Leviticus 23. But the Holy Spirit is prophetically calling believers today to participate in this special time of sacrifice in this generation.

Haman's Lineage Exposed

King Ahasuerus unfortunately promoted a man who eventually became one of Israel's all-time worst enemies. His name was Haman, and he is described as the "son of Hammedatha, the Agagite" (Esth. 3:1).

Haman's lineage is significant to the history of Purim. He was a descendant of Agag, who was a king of the Amalekites in the days of Saul and Samuel. Saul defeated Agag but disobeyed the Lord by allowing him to live. The prophet Samuel rebuked King Saul for his disobedience then "hewed Agag in pieces before the Lord" (1 Sam. 15:33).

Being an Amalekite, Agag was part of the group of people who were long-term enemies of Israel. Because of their treatment of the children of Israel in the days of Moses, God declared war on Amalek "from generation to generation" (Ex. 17:16). In Jewish teaching, Amalek is seen as the epitome of anti-Semitism.

Haman therefore had a heritage of enmity toward the Jewish people. As the book of Esther unfolds, we see how Haman was used to exhibit this generational hatred toward God's chosen people.

The problem is that this ancient, malevolent spirit has plagued our planet throughout the generations. It has no regard for human reason, logic, good intentions or mere religious pursuits. This dark spirit of anti-Semitism—or what may be called "the spirit of Haman"—is on the loose once again.

The Mordecai Anointing

As I wrote in my book, The Coming Israel Awakening, "The Holy Spirit wants to inject the burden of the Lord for purposes of God among the Jewish people into the global prayer movement, like a nurse with a fully loaded needle. We need a potent injection of God's heart into our heart! That is why God wants to raise up a Mordecai anointing to prepare Esther for a time of intervention. We need to know what Esther accomplished, but what was Mordecai's task? What was his divine assignment?

"Mordecai's job was to raise up and prepare Esther for her hour of influence before the king. Mordecai raised Esther as his own daughter. He did not bow down or pay homage to Haman, who sought the destruction of the Jews, but only worshipped the one true God. He intercepted Haman's scheme of the enemy and revealed it with wisdom to those in authority. He walked in prophetic counsel and instilled courage into Esther.

"Esther, properly tutored and mentored by the counsel of Mordecai, seized the moment through prayer and fasting. Esther was anointed to intervene and stand in the gap, yet she had to walk in cooperation with the preparation of Mordecai, the spiritual authority God had placed in her life.

"God chose to work through Mordecai to alert Esther to her destiny and timing of her intercessory acts on behalf of the Jews. God is looking for modern day Mordecais to prepare His people for such a time as this!"

Shields Up For Such a Time As This!

A Prayer for Purim and Beyond

"Lord, we pray that the Holy Spirit will release revelation to the leadership of the global body of Christ to be modern day Mordecais who help prepare Esther – the bride of Christ—for her task of standing in the gap against the demonic forces of Haman manifesting in many different forms today. We pray for a Holy Spirit Border Patrol Guard for our cities and nations, and especially for Israel and the Jewish people worldwide. Holy Spirit, we ask you to anoint the reading of the book of Esther in these days. Awaken the "watchmen worldwide" to unite together to extinguish the fiery darts of the evil one for Your kingdom's sake! Amen and Amen!"

Dr. James Goll is the founder of Encounters Network, Prayer Storm and helps carry on the work of Compassion Acts. For information on his online school visit: James continues to live in Tennessee and is a joyful father and grandfather today.

The Haman in Our Lives

When Haman saw that Mordecai did not bow or pay him homage, Haman was filled with wrath. But he disdained to lay hands on Mordecai alone, for they had told him of the people of Mordecai. Instead, Haman sought to destroy all the Jews who were throughout the whole kingdom of Ahasuerus —the people of Mordecai. —Esther 3:5-6

Haman was an Agagite—a descendant of the Amalekites. God had ordered Saul to utterly destroy these Amalekites, but he disobeyed and allowed the king to live. As a result, the Amalekites continued to war against Israel.

In biblical typology, Haman is a type of the flesh, something God hates. Just as the Amalekites warred constantly against Israel, so too the flesh wars constantly against the Spirit. As the Amalekites attacked Israel at its weakest point, so the flesh will attack at your weakest point. Even as the Amalekites tried to keep Israel from coming into the Promised Land, so the flesh will try to hinder you from coming into victory and enjoying the promises of life in the Spirit.

God swore He would have war with Amalek from generation to generation, but He promised that one day the remembrance of Amalek would be utterly put away and Amalek would perish.

JOne day the flesh will be put away forever.

We each have a Haman in our lives—that area of the flesh that has not yet been dealt with. Let us reckon it to be dead, crucified with Christ, that we might have His full victory as we walk in the Spirit.

Father, thank You for providing victory through Jesus Christ over the old nature. Help us press on in the Spirit, that we may know Your power over the flesh. Amen.


Bible / Our Library / Encyclopedias / International Standard Bible Encyclopedia / Haman

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Ham (2) Hamath


ha'-man (haman; Haman):

A Persian noble and vizier of the empire under Xerxes. He was the enemy of Mordecai, the cousin of Esther. Mordecai, being a Jew, was unable to prostrate himself before the great official and to render to him the adoration which was due to him in accordance with Persian custom. Haman's wrath was so inflamed that one man's life seemed too mean a sacrifice, and he resolved that Mordecai's nation should perish with him. This was the cause of Haman's downfall and death. A ridiculous notion, which, though widely accepted, has no better foundation than a rabbinic suggestion or guess, represents him as a descendant of Agag, the king of Amalek, who was slain by Samuel. But the language of Scripture (1 Samuel 15:33) indicates that when Agag fell, he was the last of his house. Besides, why should his descendants, if any existed, be called Agagites and not Amalekites? Saul's posterity are in no case termed Saulites, but Benjamites or Israelites. But the basis of this theory has been swept away by recent discovery. Agag was a territory adjacent to that of Media. In an inscription found at Khorsabad, Sargon, the father of Sennacherib, says: "Thirty-four districts of Media I conquered and I added them to the domain of Assyria: I imposed upon them an annual tribute of horses. The country of Agazi (Agag) .... I ravaged, I wasted, I burned." It may be added that the name of Haman is not Hebrew, neither is that of Hammedatha his father. "The name of Haman," writes M. Oppert, the distinguished Assyriologist, "as well as that of his father, belongs to the Medo-Persian."

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