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Writer's pictureLuzsoraida Figueroa


There are seven occult kingdoms in the universe, which are the kingdoms of Satan and the fallen angels. There are various planes, zones, realms and centers as well as deities, gods and lords. The Five Cosmic Seals (occult levels) are the universal summary of the 400,000 categories of occult initiations, powers and demons (Astrometaphysical operations). There are male, female, neuter and mermaid spirits (demons or Cosmic


There are occult Esoteric Metaphysics (the secret and most confidential aspect of occult teachings) and Mystical Sciences practiced by mystical adepts, Living Grand Masters. This is the cosmological verdict of the Order of Astral and Terrestrial Hierarchy universal occult recognition. Exoteric is public occult teachings. An Adept uses the Technique of the Master. Hell is called After-Life-Hallucination. There are entities, spirits, demons, demi-gods, Archangels and other names for the evil beings. A Guru is a Spiritual Master.


The Five Cosmic Seals are five occult levels: Level 333, 666, 999, 1330 and 003 operating 400,000 minuet mystical degrees.

First Cosmic Seal: (Devic Seal 333) One who has received this Cosmic Seal is empowered to control not less than 40,000 spirits.

Second Cosmic Seal: (Seal of Kal 666) One who has received this Cosmic Seal is empowered to control not less than 160,000 spirits. Many great politicians, military commanders, etc. on earth are at this occult level of operations. This will be the occult level of the coming Antichrist.

Third Cosmic Seal: (Shiva Seal 999 - Seal of Destruction) One who has received this Cosmic Seal is empowered to control not less than 2,500,000 spirits which depends on the mastership of one's occult and psychic projections. Women are generally kept at this level with a few women exceeding this level.

Fourth Cosmic Seal: (Terrestrial Seal 1330 - Seal of Ba-Vara) One who has received this Cosmic Seal (Living Grand Master of the Order of Astral and Terrestrial Hierarchy) is empowered to control not less than 100,000,000 spirits and 33,000,000 demi-gods.

Fifth Cosmic Seal: (Liber 003 - Seal of Tuzassotama) One who has received this Cosmic Seal is mystically empowered to proclaim himself as "God, Lord, Universal Master or God-Incarnate" on earth and he controls all spirits of the occult kingdoms.

Occult Kingdom Of The Earth (First)

There are ten major zones of spiritual operations of the forces of darkness ruled by "Guardian Angels - Arahatha": Gobi desert around Afghanistan, Agam Des in Tibet, Himalaya Mountains in India, Forest of Slurping in India, Vrindavan City in India, California in United States (ruled by Seth), Ibadan City in Nigeria, Jerusalem in Israel, Tabuse in Japan and around the pyramid of Egypt. The Devic kingdom is ruled by a female Archspirit Seraphim Visel living in a spiritual city called NU located in Iran. (Notice the zones in India and Tibet.)

Within each of the zones, there are 127 occult regions or 1,270 regions total ruled by demon Earth Masters which project the metaphysical powers to sustain secret societies, churches and religious movements for the operation of witchcrafts, esoteric and related metaphysical forces. Within each of the occult regions, there are 3,000 occult centers or 30,000,000 centers total of Elemental Forces ruled by Gomes (Supreme Elementals) operated by mystical AUM Vibrations (Mantra sound vibrations). Within each center, there are millions of Elemental Spirit demons.

Water Occult Kingdom (Second)

There are five planes or zones: Lumani, Banni, Lemuria, Gamma and Atlantis. Within each zone, there are 220 regions or 1,100 regions total ruled by a Pritha. Within each region, there are 2,000 occult centers or 440,000 centers total ruled by a Huna Supreme Mermaid controlling millions of mermaids and water demons. Banwar Kingdom is ruled by Archspirit Lord Kaliya (neither male nor female) living in an occult city Gupha located in the Bermuda-Triangle (Zone of Death). Each of the five zones has a male great demon ruling it (demi-god with four hands).

Occult Kingdom Of Fire (Third)

There are millions of mighty dark angels of death. Within this realm, there are two major planes. The first plane, Anda, has innumerable courts guarded by Gnomes (subterranean spirits) ruled by Archangel Ahankar. The second plane is a strange plane of punishment ruled by Archangel Chita (The Lord of Fire) made for some of those who are physically dead on earth). Yamalok kingdom is ruled by Archspirit Lord Naga (Lord of Death and Punishment) controlling millions of mighty dark angels of death.


First Occult Kingdom Of The Air (Fourth)

Within the Astral Kingdom, there are 900,000,000 zones and planes ruled by Archspirit Lord Sagna, a Deva (Guardian Spirit) in control of billions of Yansdavas (demons of the air) and millions of Devas and Devatas (male and female Guardian Spirits) in the city of Sahasra. There are billions of demons and millions of "Guardian Spirits". Lower Astral Kingdom is made up of 26,000,000 planes. In many religions of the world King Elam, second-in-command, is being worshipped as "God".

Second Occult Kingdom Of The Air (Fifth)

Within the Terrestrial Kingdom, there are 33,000,000 demi-gods ruled by Archspirit Ba- Vara. Within the kingdom, there are two major "Grand Divisions". Grand Division Casual World is ruled by Archspirit Lord Gotamy. Grand Division Etheric Heaven is ruled by Saint Goo-Ling using advanced manipulation which one can not detect except after one's deliverance by the Living Power of Jesus Christ.

Third Occult Kingdom Of The Air (Sixth)

Within the Azura Kingdom, there are several planes, regions, sub-regions, zones, etc. ruled by Archspirit Sat Kumara. Every mystical art, wisdom or craft born in Azura is projected to the other five kingdoms. There are millions of mighty spirits called Guardians of the Flame (Abhidevanadas).

Fourth Occult Kingdom Of The Air (Seventh)

The Kalami Kingdom is the highest of all and is ruled by Satan. Here one attains the ultimate perfection of mysticism and esoteric power which is proclaimed to be the state of "God Consciousness".


Satan, the Devil, Archangel Lucifer, that old serpent and anointed cherub is called Chitanam who deceived one-third of the angels, cherubims and seraphims in Heaven. He wanted to sit on the mount of the congregation in the sides of the north (Mount of the Assembly far in the north of the highest heavens) and be like the Most High. He showed our Lord Jesus Christ all the kingdoms of the world (the seven occult kingdoms) in a moment of time. Lucifer is revealed as a great red dragon with seven heads and ten horns

forming the seven occult kingdoms.

Satan, Devil, Archangel, Lucifer Angels, Cherubims, Seraphims Seven Occult Kingdoms Kingdoms of Satan

Fallen Angels

Planes, Zones, Realms, Centers Deities, Gods, Lords

Five Cosmic Seals (occult levels) Occult Initiations, Powers, Demons Astrometaphysical Operations


Male, Female, Neuter, Mermaid Spirits Demons

Cosmic Forces

Occult Esoteric Metaphysics

Mystical Sciences

Mystical Adepts

Living Grand Masters

Order of Astral and Terrestrial Hierarchy Hell

Entities, Spirits, Demons, Demi-gods, Archangels Gurus (Spiritual Masters)


I recommend that you purchase these books and read them:

The Handbook For Spiritual Warfare by Ed Murphy, Thomas Nelson Publishers

The Christian In Complete Armour by William Gurnall, The Banner Of Truth Trust Spiritual Warfare by Derek Prince, Whitaker House

The Satanic Cosmos by Win Worley, Hegewisch Baptist Church, Highland, IN

Angels Of Light, Powers Of Darkness by Stephen F. Noll, InterVarsity Press

Occult Grand Master Now In Christ by Iyke Nathan Uzorma, P.O. Box 8997, Benin City, Nigeria

Restoring Shattered Lives by Tom R. and Diane W. Hawkins, Restoration In Christ Ministries

Informed Intercession by George Otis, Jr., Renew Books

Deliverance Manual by Gene and Earline Moody (whatever is not listed for other references)

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