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Writer's pictureLuzsoraida Figueroa



There is Satan - one individual not omniscient, omnipresent or omnipotent like God.

Heb. 12:22 too innumerable (myriads, countless, indefinitely large numbers, enormous, multitudinous) hosts of angels. Rev. 5:11 calculates at least 101,000,000 total angels. Rev. 12:4 calculates at least 33,700,000 fallen angels. There are many millions of fallen angels.

We only cast out demons in Christians and find they have many demons. If the world has billions of people and Christians have many demons, then there must be multiplied billions of demons.

Demons may have come from a Pre-Adamic Race but there is no scriptural reference that can be found to prove where demons came from conclusively. Demons say that they are demons and not fallen angels. They do not have to tell where they came from apparently.

Some interesting scriptures are Matt. 25:41, II Peter 2:4 and Jude 6. There is no indication that angels are demons.

Satan is Chief of Staff of his army. The fallen angels are his officers. The demons are his soldiers.

We cast thousands of demons out of a man during a year by working with him weekly. The demons freely talked and gave us information about their rank and number. One demon said that a person could have thousands of demons. Early in our deliverance ministry, I would write this information down. A Christian can have a legion of demons.

Druids revered the faeries, gnomes and undeines which are types of demons.

Satan (Chief of Staff)

Hosts of Angels

Faeries, Gnomes and Undeines

`Satan, Lucifer, Devil

Devil means accuser or slanderer. The chief of the fallen angels is an archangel who has at least forty names given in Scripture: Satan, Lucifer, Devil, Abaddan, Accuser Of Brethren, Adversary, Anointed Cherub, Antichrist, Apollyon, Beelzebub, Belial, Charmer, Condemner, Covering Cherub, Crooked Serpent, Day Star, Deceiver, Destroyer,


Great Red Dragon, Enemy, Evil One, Father Of Lies, He Who is in the World, King, Leviathan, Liar, Murderer, Oppressor, Roaring Lion, Piercing Serpent, Son Of The Morning, Tempter, Thief, Wicked One, Wolf.

Angel of the Abyss, Angel of Light, Authority Of Darkness, God Of This Age, God Of This World, Prince Of The Power Of The Air, Prince Of This World, Ruler Of Authorities Of Air, Ruler of Demons, Ruler Of This World, King Of Babylon and King Of Tyrus.

Satan - Lucifer - Devil

The Chain Of Command In The Demonic Realm (Excerpts)

Demons are very conscious of authority and adhere slavishly to the chain of command and the line of authority structure. There are Chief Kings and Chief Princes, and under them are Kings and Princes who rule various geographical and spiritual areas. There are kingdoms, principalities, dominions and powers which are administered by Kings and Princes. Each state in the United states is ruled over by a prince. Louisiana is ruled by Southern Curses.

A General is in charge of a Legion (6,000) while a Prince will control a number of Legions. A Ruler or Captain commands a Cohort (600), and there can be Chief Captains and Chief Rulers with still more authority. A Centurion controls 100 demons; if he controls less than a hundred demons he is called a Strongman.

Any demon in authority will direct how many, when and where pain spirits are to attack, and how sustained the attack is to be. These pain spirits are called Imps by those in charge.

Because of the rigid authority structure, a wise move in dealing with spirits is to bind all spirits, especially ruling ones and ones of Violence, Fighting and Murder.

The control of a geographical area seems to rest on the success of a prince in controlling the majority of the persons within that place. It also has to do with the ferocity and power of that prince.

Chief Kings and Chief Princes

Kings and Princes

Kingdoms, Principalities, Dominions and Powers Generals



Chief Captains and Chief Rulers

Rulers or Captains





Emperor - Dukes - Commanders


In the Scriptures, both holy and unholy spirit beings are designated as angels. Usually the unholy angels are referred to as demons, translated in the King James Version as

devils. (Demons would talk to Win Worley.)

Demons in vast numbers constitute a part of Satan's hierarchy and fight in his army. They degrade the bodies they invade and possess, whether of animals or men. (Animals need deliverance too. We have done deliverance on our farm animals.)

This influence is exercised both to mislead the unsaved and wage an increasing war against the believer. Thus commenced the fierce battle between Satan and God for the control of the human beings God put on earth in the re-creation. (What was on the earth before Adam and Eve?)

The super angel continued to invade the affairs of men. By the time of Noah, he had managed by supernatural power to infiltrate the human race with angelic creatures who somehow took the bodies of humans to father monstrous hybrid offspring, half demon and half human.

Most demons will concede that they will eventually go to the pit, but they emphasize that is not time yet and they do not want to talk about it. They fear and dread the pit and its consequences.

There can be very little doubt that the demons do have a highly organized empire of evil. Satan's description is the one who deceiveth the whole world. Behind the facade of religious life, there is a spiritual battle raging. There is fierce conflict today; there are those who do not wish to pass this way.

In brief, the Church of Christ will reach its high water mark when it knows how to (1) bind the strong man by prayer, (2) command the spirits of evil in the Name of Christ, and (3) deliver men and women from their power.

There are spirits from the heavenlies deliberately intervening to strengthen and reinforce embattled spirits in a person. The most powerful are those in the heavenlies charged with the overall direction of Satan's program.

There is a bottom division to which demons refer. The middle division seems to encompass those demons whose job is to gain entrance to mortal bodies. The top division of the demonic hierarchy supervises and closely monitors activities in the lower ranks without violating any of the ground rules in Scripture.

Entirely due to the stupidity and ignorance of the believers, dividing and sowing suspicion among the believers, is an astoundingly effective tool - 90% successful!

Three different places are Gehenna, Hades and Tartarus. Gehenna refers to Hell, the final abode of the wicked dead. Hades refers to the temporary abode of the wicked dead.

Tartarus refers to some of the fallen angels who sinned at the time of the flood and were sent to their temporary prison house. Demons fear this place exceedingly and tremble. They say it is dark, filled with black flames, inhabitants are bound by chains, cannot communicate with each other, and it is a horrible place filled with misery.

Two thirds of the heavenly host remain loyal to the Lord God, giving us a two to one angelic majority. There is a realism of loosing spirits from the Lord to operate in your life and the lives of others. There are spirits named in the Old and New Testaments.

In the Old Testament, look up the words: angel, charmer, dead, devil, divination, enchantment, familiar, giants, leviathan, magic, necromancy, Satan, serpent, spirit, witch, wizard and references to the giants: Anakim, Avim, Emim, Horim, Nephilim, Rephaim and Zamzummim.

In the New Testament look up the words: angel, Antichrist, Beelzebub, Belial, darkness, devil, demon, dragon, lion, Satan, serpent, sorcery, spirit, tempter.

Satan (super angel)

Unholy Spirits

Unholy Angels

Demons or Devils

Monstrous Hybrid Offspring Strongmen

Bottom Division - Middle Division - Top Division Gehenna - Hades - Tartarus - Hell - Hades Giants


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