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Writer's pictureLuzsoraida Figueroa




Some Druidic groups, particularly in the United States, express a belief in nature spirits such as fairies, gnomes, and undines, little creatures of the forests and rivers to whom

offerings are made.

Foundation for Shamanic Studies

The practice of shamanic sorcery was common to Native American Indians and Eskimos as well as to the witch doctors in the tribes of Asia, Africa, and Australia. Shamans practice in the context of their belief in animism. They believe that spirits, gods, devils, and other entities dwell in other realms to and from which the experienced

and initiated shaman can travel (shamanism and primitive pagan sorcery).

Goddess, Witchcraft and Pagan Sects

One of the fastest growing religious movements in the world today is Witchcraft, also known as the Earth Religion, and closely related to Paganism and Goddess Worship. Some prefer to call themselves naturalists, pagans, neo-pagans, druids, wiccans, mediums, or shamans. The feminist movement has been one of the principal factors in the rise of witchcraft and earth religion groups and sects. Goddess and earth worship is basically sorcery and primeval occultism. Witches believe, as do other New Agers, in the Hinduistic concepts of reincarnation and karma. They are also prone to believe in forest, nature and tree spirits, in fairies, gnomes and other little creatures, and in spirit beings. Occultic symbols are emphasized, especially the Satanic pentagram and the circle. Candles and incense are used in ceremonies as well as a ritualistic dagger called an athame. Witches do indeed cast spells and place hexes on supposed victims. Some practice astral sex with spirit beings from beyond (incubus or succubus). There have been many claims that witches sacrifice animals and even human beings to the Devil. So, there is among some witchcraft and earth religious groups a close connection with Satanism and other extreme forms of occultism. Included are Wiccan ways, Shamanism, Egyptian Magic, Scandinavian Folk Religion, Feminist Spirituality, Druidism, Neo-paganism, Native American and other native people spirituality.

Included are rites, forms, and orders. Emphasized are evolution and divinity of man.


Mormonism - Masonry - Magick

There are fifteen ceremonial similarities between Mormonism, Masonry and Magick.

(Don't become a Mormon, Mason or get involved with magic.)


A person takes a piece of paper, scratches his finger until it bleeds, and then signs

himself over to the Devil.

Satan Worship

I regret the fact that other Christian theologians show little interest in the study of Satanic movements. Many seek an alternative in the study of psychoanalysis and psychiatry and even spiritism, studies which sadly are widespread in every country, near and far, today. (Churches send their people to the world for mental problems rather than to God.)

In the Bible and in the history of religions, Satan worship is often identified with the snake cult. The snake was called Nehustan, and was used by the Israelites some four to five hundred years after the time of Moses for magic and idolatry. It has been said of the Knights Templar that they were the founders of a regular Church of Satan. In the circles of the Templars, the black mass was celebrated. On the altar they had a naked woman. They mixed the communion wine with the blood of a slaughtered child. This included sorcery, ungodliness, plundering churches, desecrating the sacraments and crucifixes, shedding innocent blood, killing, sexual orgies, and occult arts. Druids were highly renowned for their knowledge of astronomy; they practiced human and animal sacrifice in order to reconcile sinful man to God. Halloween was a sacred day.

In Nigeria there is the cobra cult. The members have to sign themselves over to the Devil, and then they receive power over all snakes, not just one sort. Christians handling snakes are merely the expression of a religious fanaticism and a false interpretation of the Bible. This includes, upside down cross, spiritism, occult, Satanic cults, and magic.

Sixth and Seventh Book of Moses

The sorcerers of the middle ages only chose Moses as their patron saint, because he outdid the ancient Egyptian sorcerers by the power of God. This includes magic spells,

and how to kill small animals by magical power.

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