(Informed Intercession)
Spiritual Warfare: Conflicts with demonic strongholds and moral deception that require
spiritual weaponry and armor.
Warfare Prayer: Application of strategic-level spiritual warfare to evangelistic efforts. An uprooting of prevailing spiritual strongholds that hinder the Gospel.
Ground Level: Ministry activity with individual bondage and/or demonization.
Binding The Strongman: Neutralizing the deceptive hold or enchantment that demonic powers have achieved over human subjects so that the latter can process truth at a heart level.
Occult Level: Intercessory confrontations with demonic forces operating through satanism, witchcraft, shamanism, esoteric philosophies and similar occult activities. Strategic Level: Intercessory confrontations with demonic power concentrated over given cities, cultures and peoples.
Territorial Spirits: Demonic powers that have been given controlling influence over specific sites, peoples and areas. The belief in such hierarchal arrangements is culturally widespread and often involves protective deities linked to homes, temples, clans, cities, valleys and nations.
Principalities And Powers: Demonic agents and structures that exert deceptive control over co-conspiratorial human political kingdoms and systems.
Rulers Of Darkness Of This World: Demonic forces involved in deceptive and destructive manipulation of natural elements and systems.
Territorial Spirits
Principalities And Powers
Rulers Of Darkness Of This World
Other Definitions
Principalities - forces and dominions dealing with nations and governments; high-level satanic princes set over nations and regions of the earth; commanding generals over
Satan's fallen army.
Powers - having authority and power of action in spheres open to them; supernatural and natural government; high ranking powers of evil.
Rulers Of Darkness Of This World - governing the darkness and blindness of the world at large; operate within countries and cultures to influence certain aspects of life; governing spirits of darkness.
Spiritual Wickedness In High Places - forces being directed in and upon the CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST in wiles, fiery darts, onslaught and every conceivable deception about doctrine which they are capable of planning; the many types of evil spirits that commonly afflict people; the collective body of demon soldiers comprising Satan's hordes.
There are three levels of strongmen: rulers over principalities or wide geographic areas on earth; rulers over people, churches, families, communities and other specific groups or individuals; and rulers who dwell within people. Principalities are ruled by princes, also called strongmen. These are the gods and goddesses of the underworld.
Forces and Dominions Princes
Generals Principalities
Rulers Of Darkness Of This World Spiritual Wickedness In High Places Rulers
Gods and Goddesses