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Writer's pictureLuzsoraida Figueroa

Cleansing the bloodline

Courtcase For The Cleansing Of Your Generational Bloodline And Your DNA

a. Preparatory prayer

Lord, create a canopy around, above and under this room and cover it with the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ and the fire of the Holy Spirit. Make this canopy sound-, sight- and projectionproof for all demons, all powers of darkness and for all their servants. Cleanse the canopy with the blood of the Lord Jesus and fill it with Your Presence. Thank You for the angels that You have given to us to protect and help us. Holy Spirit, lead us in this court session.

b. Step into the Heavenly Courtroom in the spirit

c. Prayer and confession

I ackowledge, honor and worship the Triune God Almighty as the Judge of Heaven. Righteousness and justice are the foundation of His throne. Thank You, Lord, that I may come before You for the cleansing of my bloodline and my DNA from all sins and iniquities. I ask You to bring into the courtroom all relevant books about me and my ancestry and to open them.

I ask for forgiveness for my sins and for the sins of my ancestors in the generational bloodlines of my father and mother all the way back to Adam. I repent on behalf of all my ancestors for the sins we have committed against You. I choose to forgive my ancestors for their sins. I declare that I take responsibility for my own sins in these areas.

Every sin and iniquity that I confess hereafter, I will also confess on behalf of my ancestors. For each of these sins and iniquities I ask for forgiveness and I repent from them:

(Be as specific as you can when you pray through the issues below. Pay attention to family patterns!)

1. I confess and renounce all ungodly thoughts and beliefs about God, myself and others, like thinking small of God, believing that God is unreliable, wronging His character by what I believe about Him, reproaching Him; Hating myself, having a low self image; Hating women, despising men, not honoring father or mother, all forms of ungodly discrimination like racism, seksism etc. I renounce every inner vow, that I have taken as a result of these ungodly thoughts and beliefs about God, myself and others. (Ask the Holy Spirit if you have spoken inner vows silently or out loud and renounce them specifically).

2. I confess and renounce all kinds of fighting, like verbal or physical violence, hostility, lawsuits, wrath, quarrel, dissension, discord and division.

3. I confess and renounce all rejection, including the fear for rejection and self rejection.

4. I confess and renounce all negative emotions and attitudes, like fears and phobias, depressions,

pride, anger, bitterness, resentment, shame, false feelings of guilt, jealousy, envy, unthankfullness, despair because of disappoinment, the loss of dreams and expectations etc.

I forgive all people who have hurt me in any way. I let go of all bitterness and I reach for restoration of relationships, if possible.

5. I confess and renounce every kind of obsession and all addictions to or excessive use of alcohol, nicotine, drugs, food, pornography, television, videogames, computer and all other false comfort for pain.

6. I confess and renounce all known and unknown sexual sins, like adultery, fornication, homosexuality, lesbianism, oral sex, online sex, incest, lust, masturbation, prostitution, rape, sexual abuse, sex with children, sex with animals, sexual obsessions and perversities, group sex and orgies.

Cleansing your generational bloodline © Living In Your Destiny 1

7. I confess and repent for every man in my bloodline including myself, who has traded his seed (his biological seed as well as his offspring) for power, money etc. I ask for that seed back and declare that my seed and the seed of my offspring will no longer be traded in the spirit realm.

8. I confess and renounce all religious restrictions and false doctrine of all christian denominations, churches or religious movements, like legalism, heresy, spiritual abuse and all ungodly oaths, vows and rituals. I confess that me and my ancestors have not always served the Lord with joy.

9. I confess and renounce every engagement in idolatry, witchcraft, divination, spiritism, consulting the dead and all occult teachings, rituals, ceremonies, oaths and vows, that are connected to these. I acknowledge that knowledge and power, that don’t originate from God, are sinnful.

10. I confess and renounce all ungodly transactions, contracts and covenants, every oath of dedication to the kingdom of darkness and every covenant with death. I give all objects, that are spirtually connected with these transactions, contracts and covenants, like for example rings, to God, in order to be burnt with the fire of the Holy Spirit.

11. I confess and renounce the partaking of pagan feasts, like the feasts for the dead, Halloween and ......

(add what applies to you or your ancestors, depending on the culture you originate from, like winti festivals, hindu festivals etc. But it can also be festivals like carnaval).

I confess and renounce the celebration of all holy days for saints, such as the holy days to honor Mary.

12. I confess and renounce that de fathers and mothers in my generational bloodline have not always taught their children the ways of the Lord.

13. I confess and renounce all ungodly beliefs, practices and engagement in the cultural background of my ancestors, like prejudice, superiority, dominance, controlling others, feelings of inferiority etc. (consider also the specific characteristics and behaviour of the countries you or your ancestors originate from).

14. I confess and renounce every kind of dishonesty and robbery, like hypocrisy, white lies, deceptive business practices, deception, fraud, robbing with violence or by devious means, theft and tax evasion, giving or accepting bribes.


thoughts and attempts, murder, manslaughter, sacrificing human beings and animals, whether on an altar or not, war and genocide with the purpose of conquering countries, and for all the consequences of these, like depression, pride, destruction and the loss of family posessions, finances, health etc.

17. I confess and renounce the watching of or partaking in violent movies or fights where people are being killed, like in the Roman Coliseums or the Spanish bullfights. I confess and renounce every form of bloodthirstiness.

18. I confess and renounce the eating and drinking of people, their blood and their organs, and of sacrified animals, their blood and their organs.

19. I confess and renounce every wrongful use of the tongue by speaking lies and ungodly words, like slander, scandalmongering, speaking ill, gossip, mockery, satire, venomous language, gross language, perjury, cursing, ungodly vows and every form of taking Gods name in vain, like blaspheming, cursing with His name or using His name without respect or as a stopgap, using His name in jokes. (Ask the Holy Spirit if there are lies or ungodly beliefs, that have been spoken through the generations again and again, and renounce them specifically).

1 Maybe you have been divorced yourself and the blame for that divorce is not on you. In that case this confession can help in breaking the curse that has come on your offspring because of your divorce.

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15. I confess and renounce the annulment of marriages by divorce.

16. I confess and renounce all forms of wrongful death, like abortion, euthanasia, suicide, suicidal

20. I confess and renounce all ungodly judgments like judging too fast, speaking untruthful judgments, favouring those I love over those I don’t like, favouring the rich over the poor, favouring my own race over other races.

21. I confess and renounce all indifference towards the evil of other people and towards the sins of the church. Being able to do good, but failing to do so.

22. I confess and renounce all failing to bless the people of God, like indifference towards the suffering of the Jewish people, for example during World War II, speaking ill of the Jews and all other forms of anti-semitism.

23. I confess and renounce every kind of greed and love for money, like lending out money with inordinate profit, human trafficking, slavery, exploitation, prostitution, corruption, trusting in riches, indifference towards the needs of the poor or the work of God, not tithing, idolatry of the things of this world.

24. I confess and renounce every disobedience to God, to His Word, to authority, every lack of submisson, and living from a rebellious or independent spirit.

25. I confess and renounce every kind of selfishness, like loving my ‘ego’, conceitedness, arrogance, condescension, despotism, ungodly dominance and control, bragging, considering oneself better than others, vanity, egoism, lack of love and all actions and words that came from my soul, and not from my spirit.

26. Check if there are more legal issues, that have to be dealt with:

Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting (Ps. 139: 23-24).

Then become quiet and listen tot he Holy Spirit if there are more sins to repent from.

d. Cleansing Prayer

If the Holy Spirit does not convince you of any more sin, then you can ask the Lord to wash away all your sins and the sins of your ancestors with the blood of Jesus by praying:

Lord, I ask You that the blood of Jesus Christ will cleanse me and my generational bloodline from all sins, that I have confessed and renounced. I close every door to darkness and the occult in my life, that had opened as a result of sin. I renounce every demonic inheritance, that has been the result of an ungodly transaction, contract or convenant that I and/or my ancestry has entered into with the kingdom of darkness or with one of his servants, and I give this inheritance back. This inheritance includes all demons, who keep my spirit and soul in bondage in order to move in the occult realm, all occult gifts including the gifts of divination and healing, all telepathic and psychic gifts, the gifts to hypnotize and to function as a medium, the gift to see with the third eye and all other occult gifts.

e. Negative testimonies of other people

Lord, because of Your Word in Isaiah 54:17 I refute every tongue, that has accused me in the Heavenly Courtroom.

f. Verdict about you

Then you listen to the verdict of the Heavenly Judge: Are you being acquitted because of the blood of Jesus? Does the Holy Spirit reveal anything else about the verdict?

Thank You, Lord Jesus, that You forgave me all my sins, having cacelled the written code, with its regulations, that was against me and that stood opposed to me; You took it away, nailing it to the cross. And having disarmed the powers and authorities, You made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross (Col. 2:14-15).

Receive the verdict in your heart (acquittal because of the blood of Jesus).

Cleansing your generational bloodline © Living In Your Destiny 3

Now it is time that the demons in your life and in your generational bloodline are being brought to trial.

g. Let the demons and demonic powers be brought in the courtroom

Lord, I ask You to send Your angels to get all demons and demonic powers, who are involved in the sins of my ancestors and myself, that I have confessed previously. I ask that they will be bound and brought into the courtroom and that they will be told very clearly that they are not allowed to disturb this court session. Thank You, Lord, that Your angels have been given the mandate to keep order. I also ask You to bring all persons, of whom You consider it necessary to be in this court session.

Lord, I ask You that all pieces of evidence for this court case will now be brought into the Courtroom.

h. Read the charges and claims

I charge the demons and demonic powers, that are now in the Heavenly Courtroom, because they have hindered me to walk in my destiny, so that Your Kingdom, Heavenly Judge, could not be completely released in and through my life. Becasue they have no legal rights anymore as a result of my confession of sins, I now claim a complete separation from all these demons and demonic powers and the release from every form of spiritual imprisonment. I furthermore claim a complete cleansing from everything the powers of darkness have put in, on or around me, the release of all demonic and/or wrong soul ties with people, that have been created by these demons, and also the release of all ungodly transactions, contracts and covenants. Finally I ask for restitution of all things that have been stolen from my life by these demons.

i. Verdict about the demons and demonic powers

Lord, I ask You to render a verdict on the charges and to grant my claims. I ask You to hand me the verdict and the divorce papers. Thank You, Lord, for Your righteous judgment. I receive Your verdict together with the divorce papers.

Receive the verdict together with the divorce papers in your heart. What does the Holy Spirit reveal about the verdict?

j. Execution of the verdict

Lord, I ask You, to execute judgment based on the written verdict and the divorce papers and to assign Your angels for this task with the right mandate.

I ask You to assign the angels to unbind, destroy and throw into the abyss the following ties: all unclean ties, ritual ties, ties of death, ties of witchcraft, all other demonic or wrong soul ties between me and every person, dead or alive, and every demonic power. With the sword of the spirit I cut loose all demonic ties between my soul and spirit in Jesus’ name. Lord Jesus, cleanse me with Your blood from all ties mentioned above.

Lord Jesus, I also ask You to cleanse me from all curses, marks, veils, yokes, every demonic seed and from all other things that have been put in, on or around me by the powers of darkness.

I ask You, Lord, to annul and destroy all ungodly transations, contracts and/or covenants,

including the covenant with death. I also ask You to remove my name and the names of all persons in my generational bloodline from every altar, we are connected with2 and to annul every sacrifice that has been sacrificed. Holy Spirit, destroy every altar with Your fire. Lord, I also ask You to destroy with the fire of the Holy Spirit all my lost DNA and the lost DNA of my generational bloodline, that can be used against us by the kingdom of darkness or by one of his servants. I also ask You to remove the hooks from all

2 Altars in the Netherlands (concentration camps, homosexual clubs, brothels, places where people have been raped, war memorials, places where people have fought and blood has been shed, places where in ancient times people have worshiped gods and connected with spirits), altars in Surinam, Netherlands Antilles, with the pyramids of Egypt, in Greece, the Roman Empire and every other country that both of your generational bloodlines are connected with (for example Stonehenge in the UK, Coliseum in Italy etc.)

Cleansing your generational bloodline © Living In Your Destiny 4

places where the powers of darkness have used this DNA to hook themselves to me and/or the persons from my generational bloodline, and to close the openings in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Lord, I ask You that every part of myself and of the persons in my generational bloodline, that has been kept in prison in the realm of darkness, now will be released from these prisons, will be cleansed with the blood of Jesus and will be integrated in the person, from whom it has been taken. I also ask You that all these prisons will be destroyed with the fire of the Holy Spirit.

I ask the Lord to assign His warrior angels to separate us now from all demons and demonic powers, that are operating in my life and in the lives of the people in my generational bloodline. Lord Jesus, I ask You to deal with these demons and demonic powers according to Your will.

Lord Jesus, cleanse my DNA and the DNA of my generational bloodline with Your blood from all genetic patterns of iniquity and transform all impure genetic material in my DNA and in the DNA of my generational bloodline with Your blood.

I ask the Lorde to assign angels to get back all the good things that have been stolen from me because of sin, and to put it back into my life. (recall what you have lost and name the things you would like to receive back again, like your destiny, gifts, health, provisions etc.).

I pray all this in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, Who came in the flesh, and by virtue of the mandate and the authority, I have received from Him.

I now seal all things I have prayed under the blood of Jesus. I declare that as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord! Ik speak the life of Jesus Christ over me and my family and I release the words of Jesus over my household, saying ‘I am the resurrection and the life’. I declare that the inheritance of me and my family is the life of Jesus. I thank You, Jesus, that from now on You cause me to truly live and walk in my destiny so that Your Kingdom will be established. Amen.

k. Close with thanksgiving for the court session and praise

l. After the court session

Proclaim the verdict ( in order to land the verdict on the earth) and align your thinking with the verdict.

Be vigilant so that what you have received through the verdict will not be robbed again by the powers of darkness. Keep seeking intimacy with Jesus and being changed into the image of Jesus.

If the powers of darkness do not listen to the verdict of the Most High, then go back into the Courtroom of Heaven to hear what the Holy Spirit reveils about the reason. If there is no other reason than the disobedience of the demons, then ask the Heavenly Judge to release His judgment over de demons (because of contempt of court).

Stay relaxed and connected to the Lord while taking the land that He has promised you and that has been written down in your scroll.

Cleansing your generational bloodline.

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