Categories of Demons
General Catholic Demons, Benediction Services, False Religious Rites, Unction, Mass, Parts of the Mass, Sacred and Ritualistic Articles, Holy Days, Allegiance to Pope, False
Religion, Religious Orders and Patron Saints.
(New Age Cults & Religions)
Eastern Mysticism, Visualization, Another "Jesus", Witchcraft, Lucifer Worship, Ascended Masters, Man is God Doctrine, Numerology, Reflexology, Dragons, Lord Maitreya, Networking, Reincarnation, Paganism, Anti-semitism, Sun God Worship, Psychic Powers, Holistic Health, Shamanism, Human Potential, Crystal Powers, Parapsychology, Mystery Teachings, Globalism, Universalism, Atlantis and other "lost worlds", Signs and Wonders, Goddess Worship, Hypnosis, Divination, Wizards, Swastikas and other Occult Symbols, Karma, An Occult Hierarchy, Nature Worship, Jewish Kabbala, Vegetarianism, Yoga, Altered States of Consciousness, Magic, Perennial Philosophy, Tarot Cards, Spirit Channeling, Psychic Forces, Seances and Mediums, Color Therapy, Mandalas, Initiations, Trance States, Astrology, Rune Stones, Aryan /
Aquarian Race Theory, Mantras, and Jungian Archetypes.