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Behind the mask of satan

TODAY, Satan is receiving worldwide attention. Reams have been written in newspapers, magazines, and religious tracts about him. Radio and television programs have been devoted to the religion that bears his name.

“Satan,” written forward and backward, can be seen on public benches, painted on bridges and walls of abandoned buildings and storefronts, and whitewashed on plate-glass windows. The lure and subsequent entrapment of people, especially youths, into the religion that bears the name Satan has become phenomenal.

In spite of the widespread publicity, however, there are diverse opinions regarding who, or what, Satan really is. To many, including his most devout followers, Satan is cloaked in anonymity. “It runs the gamut,” said a professor of religion, “all the way from people who believe in a literal person who is Satan to the other extreme of those who believe this a symbolic figure of speech and who simply dismiss the idea.”

Actually, the members of many churches do not really know what their religion teaches about Satan. One newspaper writer observed: “Few churches have a doctrine stating what their members should believe about Satan, so the subject becomes intensely personal.” Some even teach that the Devil simply represents the evil within us. For example, Presbyterian minister A. D. Ellison claims that Jesus was tempted in the desert, not by some supernatural satanic being, but by his own self-centeredness.

It is no wonder that church members are in doubt as to the identity of Satan, since their religious leaders are in doubt as well.

Who really is satan well if you take a look at job 38:4and7

The Scriptures, is very clear regarding who Who He Is

. Almighty God created many spirit creatures who have access to him in the heavens and who are his servants. The Bible reveals that when God “founded the earth,” creating it for future human habitation, “all the sons of God [angelic spirit creatures] began shouting in applause.” (Job 38:4, 7) In time, one of these angels turned against his Creator, becoming a rebel, an opposer.

This original opposer, or Satan (meaning “Resister”), was the one who used a serpent as a mouthpiece when speaking to Eve to induce her to disobey God. (Genesis 3:1-6) That is why he is also called “the original serpent.” (Revelation 12:9) Jesus himself said of Satan: “That one was a manslayer when he began, and he did not stand fast in the truth, because truth is not in him.” (John 8:44; 1 John 3:8) Jesus thus identified Satan as one who once enjoyed God’s favor but who rebelled against Jehovah God.

Do not be deceived satan is real Satan is real. He is not the figment of someone’s imagination. His greatest delight is to discredit God and His Word, the Bible, and to entrap as many as he can in his web of destruction. But God has already initiated action against Satan, authorizing his removal from the heavens to the confines of the earth. Satan’s confinement to earth has no doubt been a factor in the recent revival of Satanism.​—Revelation 12:7-12.

Parents need to be attentive. In many cases when children have embraced Satanism, it was because their parents did not give them the love and attention they needed. The children resented the seeming abandonment and became easy prey for satanic recruiters.

Now many believe that by being saved and don’t get me wrong on this I believe in salvation and being saved. But what they don’t tell you is that your fight with satan has just begun. He is not going to roll out the red carpet and just say ok she’s saved let just move on. That's a lie . You're about to face the ultimate battle for your freedom . But thus time you have authority over satan . Being saved and weapons at your disposal. People are so busy saying Jesus saves that they don’t explain what happens once your saved. There's no magic potion you have to fight the spiritual battle or any time something goes wrong in your life Satan will use that leverage to con you out of your salvation. Oook I speak from experience. This is hard work and dedication you need to fight for salvation salvation requires prayer spiritual warfare training closing door constant repentance and more if you don’t you’ give up your salvation quicker then you go it a strong part of the battle is having complete faith in God and complete trust no matter what it looks like in the natural. Salvation requires spiritual work you have to put on blinders and be focused solely on God . I do this on a daily basis and it doesn’t mean because something went wrong you give up. Absolutely not go back retract find the leek plug it and keep fighting

I've been a Christian for 14 and somewhat years and because of my background be b.c the agents of Satan are always on the hunt .

And if you think there just outside think again there in the church to witches , warlocks , ambassadors of satan ect

The church is a hospital of broken souls

A perfect place for satan and his agents to feast Matthew 13:24-30

New King James Version

The Parable of the Wheat and the Tares

24 Another parable He put forth to them, saying: “The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field; 25 but while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat and went his way. 26 But when the grain had sprouted and produced a crop, then the tares also appeared. 27 So the servants of the owner came and said to him, ‘Sir, did you not sow good seed in your field? How then does it have tares?’ 28 He said to them, ‘An enemy has done this.’ The servants said to him, ‘Do you want us then to go and gather them up?’ 29 But he said, ‘No, lest while you gather up the tares you also uproot the wheat with them. 30 Let both grow together until the harvest, and at the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, “First gather together the tares and bind them in bundles to burn them, but gather the wheat into my barn.” ’ ”

The only one who can root out the enemy is God and the Holy Spirit see in do season of being saved like I am you come to see the enemy moving interpret tongue and know the atmospheric change you’ll be able to tell the difference and that’s when you start battle don’t wait right there go for the battle field and head for your weapons.

Learn the courts of heaven. Learn your kingdom legal rights . Use them in prayer and demand what is yours .The enemies tactics. Are strong but you are on the side of who created him and you have the upper hand . His objective is to lower you out and kill you. There are destiny killers, character assassins, wicked polluters , in the ranks of satan I can give you more but we will be here all day . You need to learn the battfiled

Learn to fight the spiritual war.

Yes Jesus saves us but its our job to stay saved . There is strength in the power of his might . Learn it to overcome. Did you know your spirit can be held hostage. Did you know this , by the power of six regions of the underworld, and did you know Satan can attempt to auction out your destiny in the market place? Did you know that there are demonic rules laws and legislation? Do you know about the demonic market place? And the spirit of haman that operates in it ?

Do you know that once satan has know uses for you he will kill you to get your soul?

I’d tell you who I was but I learned from recent experience that it not a good idea at the moment , I have been lead into traps in many occasions. But in due season I’ll explain how I know theses things including satan ranks positions and tactics .

But for now know this that I’m on the right side and serve a true God and die fighting for the king of kings . Learn your weapons your battlefield, learn to shut doors , if someone would have told me this from the beginning I would probably saved myself have of what I have gone threw preaching salvation is awsome it saves souls but your battle is far from over.

Till my next video shalom

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