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Writer's pictureLuzsoraida Figueroa

African practice


Black witchcraft, white witchcraft, blind witchcraft, bewitchment, witchcraft, spirits that misinterpret THE WORD, serpentine, marine, sea horse, water, python, leviathan, mermaid, goat, voodoo, juju, obia, crab, viper, poverty, immorality, seduction, talisman, fortune telling, astral gemstone, crystal ball, shadow reading, tarot card, ouija board, always wanting to eat, fluctuating between joy and sorrow, sleep walking, talking to yourself on the street, immorality, drugs, alcohol, chronic depression, fatigue, confusion, emptiness, accidents, disorientation, affliction, cage of poverty, material adversity, DNA bondage, soul ties, jealousy, loss of self control, reputation and position, divination, Jezebel, whoredom, seduction, murder, idolatry, vices, manipulation, domination, idolatry, ancestral worship, sexual sin, spiritual fornication, palm reading, reincarnation, sorcery, divorce, quarrelling, immorality, fibrosis, barrenness, promiscuity, failure in GOD's work, spiritual harassment, hypocrisy, deceit, fear, double mindedness, worry, anger, hatred, bitterness, resentment, deception, lies, infertility, covetousness, occultism, sexual perversions, addictions, reading stars, palmists and related spirits.


Shedding innocent blood, psychic, witchcraft, seeking forbidden knowledge, casting spells and curses, cults, demonic societies, rituals and manipulations, drinking blood, consumption of witch doctor material, pride, murdering the innocent, false humility, abominable filth, bloody covens, lies, robberies, witchcraft lancing, prostitution, cannibals, ensnarement, allegiance to spirit masters, water spirit cults, cutting the body, palm reading, spiritual husband or wife (demon marriage), reincarnation, sorcery, dedications, covenants, marriages, vows, promises, blood guiltiness, satanic priesthood, tokens of covenants, lack of knowledge, weak spiritual foundation, spiritual blindness, lack of communication with GOD, traditions, false religions, heresies, evil thoughts, worry, fear, infirmities, sicknesses, deception, materialism, accursed things, dedication to marine spirits, sacrifices, ancestral covenants, libation, occultic practices, presented to the sun, dedicated to gods, occultism, sexual perversions, addictions, cosmic powers, palmists, native doctors, idols, altars and related practices.



Santeria, African Nature Spirits, Macumba, Voodoo, Obeah (African Magic), Creole Voodoo, Witchcraft, Vodun Spirit, Caribbean Folk Religion, Loa, Zombie, Spiritism, Demon Cult, Zombis, Shamans, African/Catholic hybrid religion, Juju, Egyptian Magic Current. Also see Dictionary of Cults, Sects, Religion and The Occult for listing of

Macumba, Santeria and Voodoo.

Deities / Gods / Goddesses

San Lazarro (Saint Lazarus), Santa Barbara (Saint Barbara), Erzulie within Catholic Devotions to Mary, Elegua (Trickster), Obatala (Father of the Santos), Shango (Controls Thunder, Lightning and Fire), Oshun (Controls Money and Love), Yemaya (Primordial Mother of the Santos), Babaluaye (Patron of the Sick), Ogun (Warrior Deity), Orunla (Patron of Diviners).

Obatala - God of the Crossroads, Ogoun Paname - God of Sex and Childbirth, Ogoun Baye - God of the Sun and Fire Spirit over Fire Walkers, Ogoun Badagris - God of Magic Cemeteries and Death, Ogoun Ferei - God of Power and War, Ogoun Shango - God of Serpents, Dadal - God of Fertility, and Loco Roi Nago or Nago Piman - Ruler over Ancestry.

Damballah - Ruler of Thunder or Saint Patrick, Agaou - Ruler of Thunder, Ghede - Ruler of the Dead, Legba - Guardian of the Cross Roads or the Chromo of Lazarus, Agwe - Ruler of the Waters or Saint Ulrique, Azacca - Ruler of Agriculture or Saint Isidore.

Old spirits, Old Hawaiian, Peel (Volcano), Buddha, Mystic God Kings, Allah (Islam), Mayan Aztec, Toltec, Apollo, Zeus, Ashtar, Ashoreth, Ashtoreh, Istar, Astar.

Various Names

Black Mass, Mae de Santo (Cult Mother), Queen of Darkness, Queen of Black Witches,

High Priestess, Black Witch, Satanists, Vampire, Spiritist.

Espiritista, El Taumaturgo (Charmer), San Miguel (Strength), San Espedisto (Life), San Nicolas (Santa Claus), Kapu (Demon Worship), Kahunas (Witch Doctor), Heiau (Shrine), Bruja (Witch), Mau Maus (Blood Thirsty), Muti (Human Flesh), Luk Krok (Human Fetus), Tokoloshe (Zombie), Cretins, Idiots, El Curandero (Healer), Great One, Gateway for Spirits.


Drinking blood of children, child and adult sacrifice, cannibalism, black magic, criminal spiritism, devil worship, exhuming fresh graves, insanity, dancing in the nude, sex orgies, lesbianism, homosexuality, sadistic and masochistic excesses, levitation, killing birds in flight, making objects appear and disappear, apport or demonstration of powers, walking through a great bonfire, vampirism, incubus and succuba (marriage to demons), demonic possession, drunkenness, necromancy and bestiality.


Devil on the Run by Nicky Cruz, Dove Christian Books, Melbourne, FL


Fallen Angel, Authorities, Whoredoms, Charmer, Ruler of World, Evil Practices, Death, Thief, Evil Supernaturalism, Devils, Wickedness, Hindrance, Divination, Lucifer, Betraying, Enchantment, King of Babylon, Denying, Familiar, King of Tyre, Vipers, Giants, Chief Kings, Gehenna, Leviathan, Chief Princes, Tarsus, Magic, Kings, Children of Devil, Necromancy, Princes, Fever, Satan, Kingdoms, Dumbness, Serpent, Principalities, Blindness, Evil, Unclean Spirits, Dominions, Infirmities, Witch, Powers, False Prophets, Wizard, Prince of Southern Curses, Thorn in the Flesh, Anakim, Hymaneus, Avim, Generals, Alexander, Emim, Legions, Self Control, Horim, Rulers, Corruption, Nephilim, Captains, Ananias and Sapphira, Rephaim, Chief Captains,Covetousness, Zamzummim, Chief Rulers, Elymas, Antichrist, Centurion, Jezebel, Strongman, False Apostles, Belial, Imps, False Gospel, Darkness, Pain, Nicolaitans, Demons, Affliction, Pergamos, Lion, Interference, Conformance, Sorcery, Deceiving, Oppression, Tempter, Nimrod, Python, Accusation, Tower of Babel, Unbelief, Adversary, Sodomy, Fear of Death, Great Red Dragon, Idolatry, Spirit of Bondage, Enemy, Balaam, Spirit of World, God of Age, Disobedience, Fear and Cowardice, Liar, Mediums, Slumber, Lies, Shedim, Strange Gods, Murder, Seirim, Soul Power, Slander, Jealousy, Rage, Mockery, Beast, Babylon, Carnality, Son of Morning, Prince of Devils, World Rulers, Teachings, Rebellion, Hatred, Anger, Ugliness, Dread, Rage, False Religion, Rejection, Curses, Depravity, Incest, Worship of Stars, Bondage, Slavery, Licentiousness, Lasciviousness, Orgies, Fury, Violence, Resentment, Wicked Spirits in High Places, Host of Hell, Illegitimate Birth, Ahab, Host of Heaven, Asmodeus, Osmodeus, Abaddon, Apollyon, Beelzebub, Destroyer.


The following references are highly recommended as well as additional resources

provided by these authors. Please write for their catalogs:

Deliverance Manual by Gene and Earline Moody, Deliverance Ministries, 14930 Jefferson Highway, Baton Rouge, LA 70817-5217 unless indicated otherwise.

Devil on the Run by Nicky Cruz, Dove Christian Books, Melbourne, FL

Spiritual Warfare Training Manual and Deliverance From Voodoo And African Curses by Ivory Hopkins, Pilgrim Ministry of Deliverance, P.O. Box 81, Harbeson, DE 19951

Wicca - Satan's Little White Lie and Lucifer Dethroned - A True Story and Blood on the Doorposts - An Advanced Course In Spiritual Warfare by William and Sharon Schnoebelen, Chick Publications, Ontario, CA

Host of Hell Series (11 books) and (50) booklets by Win R. Worley, WRW Publications, P.O. Box 626, Lansing, IL 60438

New Age Cults & Religions - The Newest Information Revealed and Explained

Devil on the Run by Nicky Cruz, Dove Christian Books, Melbourne, FL

Deliverance From Voodoo And African Curses by Ivory Hopkins, Pilgrim Ministry of Deliverance, P.O. Box 81, Harbeson, DE 19951

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